November 10 2015 Special Election

I didn’t find out until today, thanks to a timely Facebook post from a friend, but there was a local special election today for Stillwater, Oklahoma, on two ballot propositions.  Here are the propositions and how I voted.

Proposition No. 1 (Proposed Ordinance No. 3322)—One-Half Cent Transportation Sales Tax: This would continue a one-half cent (for every dollar? not sure) sales tax to pay for transportation needs.  I support taxes for infrastructure and god knows Stillwater needs the road improvements, so I voted Yes.

Proposition No. 2 (Proposed Ordinance No. 3325): This would allow the Oklahoma Natural Gas Company to build distribution systems for gas in Stillwater.  This would largely be a continuation of the status quo.  I was prepared to vote in favor, until I re-read the proposition and saw that the franchise would last for 25 years.  Personally, I think that’s really long and we need to be moving away from natural gas and toward renewable energy sources as soon as possible, and extending a natural gas franchise agreement for another 25 years would discourage that process.  So I voted No.